ProbityFMS Overview

Budget and Expenditure Monitoring System

Implementation of a full-fledged Accounting System is a key element of reform which supports better governance and decision making. ProbityFMS is a standardized Budgeting and Expenditure Monitoring System, which follows single entry-based accounting. It facilitates consistent recording and reporting of financial information which enables Government departments to excise proper control and take timely decisions.

It covers all activities of budgeting, receipts, payments, accounting, and reporting in an integrated manner. It helps in the generation of various financial statements like cash book, bank book, income & expenditure statement etc.

Solution Highlights

It is a comprehensive solution that aids in the consistent recording, reporting and accounting of the financial transactions carried out by a government department. The system will facilitate access to the information at all levels helps in faster decision making.

Timely availability of reports at different level.

Better control on budget execution.

Effective performance monitoring.

Faster decision making and reduced inaccuracies.

Core Modules

  • Annual Action Plan and Budget Preparation
  • Budget distribution and modification
  • Payment processing
  • MIS & Dashboard